Selasa, 31 Maret 2009


Spongebob Squarepants

This one is primarily based on the fact that Spongebob lego sets actually exist and they’re pretty awesome. Spongebob Squarepants is one of the best cartoons to come out in the last like, 10 years and without a doubt, it would make the best transition into Legodom. Because Spongebob is a tv series and not a movie franchise, the number of missions, locations and characters could be really large compared to something like Indiana Jones. Plus it could be different than the already existing lego games. Spongebob isn’t heavily focused on combat so it would be more of a platformer with little mini-games and puzzles sprinkled throughout the colorful landscapes of Bikini Bottom. Besides, who wouldn’t want to have a Lego Gary?

9. Pirates of the Caribbean

Captain Jack Sparrow and his gang of merry men became a part of one of the box offices biggest franchises way back in 2003 and have since become a household name and seen on products across the world. The world of Legos is the only logical place to go next. Imagine a swashbuckling, drunken walking Lego Jack going in the moon and transforming into a skeleton Lego all while having a vicious sword fight with a skeleton Lego Barbossa. That’s just awesome. Plus they could throw in some sailing mini-games and some cannon combat. There probably wouldn’t be as many characters as the other titles but playing as a Lego Jack alone would be worth my 30 bucks.

8. The Mummy

Speaking of Skeleton Legos, how about mummy legos? Yeah, now that would be some fun stuff. I figure a Lego game based on the Mummy franchise could be half action and half dungeon crawler. Fighting your way through hordes of Mummies in a pyramid or under the great wall of china. It would be a side of the Lego games you don’t normally see. Namely, undead legos. YAY! Brendan Frasher in Lego form, that’s almost as cool as Jack Sparrow in Lego form. Almost. The Mummy only places higher than Pirates because it could have some really cool dungeon aspects and a lot of kickass Lego battles with undead mummies with axes or whatever. Also, we could light them on fire. LEGO FLAMES! YES!

7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

This could be a total bias on my part, but the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are frickin’ AWESOME. If you can find a group of reptiles cooler than the TMNT, then you must be in some alternate universe because none exist. A Lego TMNT should take the style of the Lego games and blend with the Beat-Em-Up action of the old school TMNT games. That would make for one epic game. Patrolling the streets of New York as the four turtles, slashing your way through Foot Ninja with their four unique weapons and abilities. Throw on top the ability to play as April, Splinter, Casey and every villain imaginable, and I’ll be the first in line to pick this title up. Plus, imagine how cute the turtles would look in Lego form. I rest my case.

6. Spider-Man

Okay, nobody can argue that superheroes easily make up the best choices for Lego games and easily one of the top picks in that category would be the Spider-Man series. Web-Slinging and climbing up walls in lego form would be a refreshing turn of events for the series and bring a chuckle to any Spidey fans eyes. Plus, the Spider-Man franchises without a doubt has the best villains. Venom, Dr. Octopus, Carnage, Mysterio, Green Goblin, I could go on and on. Just like Batman, being based on the comics would make it much more of a variety in levels and possible storylines, which could make for a bigger game. Bigger game means bigger cast and more challenge. More challenge equals more fun. More fun equals happy gamers. The system works.

5. The Lord of the Rings

Always one of the first ideas to be suggested for a new Lego game, Lord of the Rings has all the stuff it takes to be a good Lego game. Diverse characters, and plenty of them, big landscapes, three movies, and plenty of weird ass enemies to kill and turn into little Lego pieces. Playing through the three movies would make the game about the length of the Lego Indiana Jones and Star Wars games, considering they’re both three movies as well. The thing that makes the LotR franchise stand out from the three existing Lego franchises is the fact that the Lord of the Rings isn’t modern. It takes place in a time before technology. Sure, there’s magic but there’s no guns, lightsabers or batmobiles. The characters would rely on the weapons of those times like axes and bows. That would be fun as shit to play as. Don’t even try to argue that.

4. Harry Potter

Another popular pick, the Harry Potter series is definitely a great idea for a Lego title. Let’s start with one of the best reasons; There’s seven books. Seven! That’s four entries longer than Indiana Jones or Star Wars. That would make for a larger game. But now let’s look at the real reason it would be awesome; Magic. Duh. Yeah, Star Wars had force powers but imagine having to use the young wizard’s magic wand powers to solve different puzzles from moving things to lighting up dark rooms to even disguising yourself as someone else. Plus the mini-game possibilities are pretty wide as well. Quiddich stands out as the top pick but I’d also love to see a stealth themed level involving the invisibility cloak. Also, if you ever read the Goblet of Fire or seen the movie, you know why that would make an awesome Lego game. Dragons, Mermaids, Mazes, hell yeah!

3. Transformers

Legobots, transform and roll out! Now this would be a game that would play unlike any Lego game so far. Imagine playing as not tiny lego people, but a gigantic Lego Optimus Prime and having to take down the likes of the Decepticons. There could be lots of brawling and plenty of transforming missions where you have to play as the cars instead. But what would really put a Lego Transformers game over the edge would be the ability to customize your own transformer. Previous Lego games have given you the option to make your own characters so it wouldn’t be a stretch, it would just be more work since they’d be bigger and have more piece. You could collect pieces from throughout the levels and those pieces could go in some sort of garage where you could built your own Autobot or Decepticon if you’re in to that sort of thing. It would be different but it would be a refreshing take on both the Lego and Transformer franchises.

1. X-Men

As I already mentioned, Superheroes make for the best choices for Lego games, and no comic series would be cooler than the X-Men. Every X-Men hero and villain has a different power which could lead to some excellent situations in a Lego game such as puzzles and battles that could only be fought with specific characters. With so many different continuities like the comics, cartoons and movies, the possibilities for scenarios is possibly endless. The game could even follow the same idea as Lego Batman and give you two separate groups of stories involving the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants. I wouldn’t mind playing as Magneto or Mysique. Hell, I wouldn’t mind playing as Toad or the Blob! There are so many X-Men and so many powers, the game couldn’t help but be big and a lot of fun to play as. Plus Lego Wolverine would redefine what it takes to be a Pint-Sized Badass.

With how popular the Lego games seem to be and how fast Traveler’s Tales seems to be able to get them out there, it’s possible that many of the franchises could see the light of Lego gamedom. Some already have Lego sets out there, so that helps their chances even more. But for now, all we can do is hope and talk about how cool they might be.

Senin, 30 Maret 2009

my biodata's

Mohammad Wafil

About Me

nama saya wafil,saya orangnya jujur, baik, perhatian/pengertian ,lucu baik dan juga pintar dan ganteng pastinya dong......///?????.saya lahir pada tanggal 3-Maret-1993.Orang-orang biasa memanggilku "KEWEL".Itu berawal ketika Pak Rahmat memanggilku dan mengubah namaka jadi "KEWEL".Dan sejak itu,saya dipanggil "kewel" oleh teman-temanku.


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Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009


Posts Tagged ‘Harry Potter’

Harry Potter: The Tales of Beedle the Bard

2008-12-12 by Cordula

JK Rowlings creativity seems to have no limits. Although she has made it perfectly clear that there will be no further sequel to the Harry Potter series, fans of Hogwarts magic need not despair – here’s the ideal Christmas gift for all of you who can’t get enough of the wizard wonder.

As of December 4, “The Tales of Beedle the Bard” are available in British and US bookshops. Those who attentively read the last volume of the series know that this book contains a collection of magic fairy tales and is an important part of the plot in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”. Now here it is, in the first edition for the Muggle community, with illustrations by the author herself and (of course) with annotations by Albus Dumbledore. Enjoy the read!




my favorite film

Free E-book Harry Potter

Harry potter, harry potter, memang tidak ada matinya, novel terkenal karangan JK.Rowling ini selalu dinanti-nanti oleh para penggemarnya. Harry Poter seri 5, yang berjudul harry potter and the order of phoenix walaupun movienya udah diputer, kalau teman-teman masih pengen baca bukunya silakan saja download e-booknya.
Harry Poter kelima ini menceritakan:

Keras kepalanya kementerian sihir yang tidak percaya bahwa Lord Voldemort telah bangkit, hal ini mengakibatkan harry dan teman-temanya kesulitan dalam melawan serangan besar-besaran melawan laskar voldemort.

Segala hal yang berkaitan dengan voldemort dilarang di sekolah hogwart, sampai-sampai kepala sekolah hogwart, Albus Dumbledore dicopot, dan digantikan oleh utusan kementrian sihir..
Mau tahu cerita selengkapnya baca saja bukunya...
Disini juga terdapat bagian yang sangat memilukan, salah satu teman dekat harry meninggal dunia saat terjadi perang melawan laskar voldemort...

Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

Senin, 09 Februari 2009

d' masiv

d'Masiv adalah band yang terbentuk di Ciledug pada tanggal 03 Maret 2003. Mereka adalah sekumpulan anak muda yang gemar bermain musik rajin ikut festival dan parade band yang pernah ada. Ternyata band satu ini sering menjadi bintang tamu dalam beberapa event musik yang ada di jakarta dan sekitarnya.

Setelah menjelajahi berbagai festival yang ada akhirnya d'Masiv mengakhiri pertempurannya di ajang festival dengan menjuarai Festival Musik akbar yang diselenggarakan oleh Deteksi Prod, disponsori oleh A mild (Sampoerna), dan didukung oleh Musica Studio yang dinamakan A Mild Live Wanted. Dan sekarang d'Masiv menjadi The RisinG Star dari A Mild Live Wanted Rising Star.

Semoga kehadiran d'Masiv dibelantika musik Indonesia dpt diterima oleh masyarakat. from d'Masiv.

Personel d'Masiv:
Rian ---------- VoKaL
KiKi ---------- Lead GuiTar
Rama --------- Ryhtme guiTar
RaY ---------- bass
wHy ---------- DrUm

30 Desember 2008

D'masiv band

d’Masiv - Perubahan (2008)

D\'Masiv - Cinta Ini Membunuhku
Meski terbilang baru meramaikan blantika musik, tapi d’Masiv bukan band “kacangan” atau band yang rekaman karena ditopang modal besar. Mereka adalah band jawara ajang musik bergensi A Mild Live Wanted 2007. d’Masiv sebenarnya pernah bikin album lewat jalur indie yang dirilis tahun 2004 silam berjudul “Menuju Nirwana” yang terdengar kencang dengan genre rock progresif yang mereka usung saat itu.
Sudah haknya D’Masiv sebagai pemenang untuk merilis debut album dan awal 2008 ini adalah waktunya. Sebuah single medium rock berjudul “Cinta Ini Membunuhku” menjadi lagu jagoannya. Coba dengerin, intronya kok ngingeti sama lagunya My Chemical Romance yang “I Dont Love You“.

d’Masiv - Perubahan - 01 - Cinta Ini Membunuhku
d’Masiv - Perubahan - 02 - Diam Tanpa Kata
d’Masiv - Perubahan - 03 - Merindukanmu
d’Masiv - Perubahan - 04 - Aku Percaya Kamu
d’Masiv - Perubahan - 05 - Dan Kamu
d’Masiv - Perubahan - 06 - Cinta Sampai Disini
d’Masiv - Perubahan - 07 - Sebelah Mata
d’Masiv - Perubahan - 08 - Dilema
d’Masiv - Perubahan - 09 - Ilfil (Manusia Tak Berharga)
d’Masiv - Perubahan - 10 - Tak Pernah Rela
d’Masiv - Perubahan - 11 - Luka Ku
d’Masiv - Perubahan - 12 - Di Antara Kalian

Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

lagu band ku


sepi menghampiriku
ketika ku mengingatmu
sunyi menemaniku
ketika kau tinggalkanku

ku ingin ku tak sendiri
berharap kau menemani
ku tak sanggup melawan ini
temanku hanyalah sepi

reff: apalah arti hidupku ini
hidup sendiri tiada berarti
ku hanya terdiam sendiri
tanpa ada yang menemani

Rabu, 04 Februari 2009

take a walk to Surabaya

pada tanggal 26-maret-2007 saya beserta keluarga saya pergi jalan2 ke Surabaya. kami kesana untuk mengunjungi rumah paman saya.Saya selalu dibeli2kan oleh paman saya karena paman saya kaya.saya sangat senang mempunyai paman sepertinya."thank you my uncle"


kesenanganku adalah pada saat saya di belikan baju baru,karena pada saat itu saya punya baju merupakan hasil pemberian tetangga saya.saya sangat bersyukur mempunyai ibu yang sangat baik."terima kasih ibu"

my fans

saya adalah seorang fans D'massiv(massivers) .Saya kalau ada waktu luang saya akan bernyanyi lagu2 D'massiv karena saya adalah seorang massivers sejati.............

Selasa, 03 Februari 2009

grup bandku

Saya mempunyai sebuah band yang bernama "THE LIGHT". Band ini terdiri dari 4 personil yaitu:

Saya sendiri sebagai(vokalis)
Rahman. S (gitaris )
Fajar . R (bassis )
Ariss . S (drumer)
di antara 4 personil ini yang paling gantenng adalah Ariss. S

kegilaan bersama sahabat

saya mempunyai sahabat,named Rahman syaifudin,Alvian Agus saputra, Aris syahrizal, dan saya sendiri.Kami semua berada di klz 9 ghe SMPN 2 BANGKALAN.

di antara ketiga sahabatku Rahmanlah yang paling aneh dan gila -gilaan.Setiap hari di klz dia selalu bertingkah hal yang aneh sama seperti orangnya.But , saya sangat senang memiliki temen seperti dia, because dia anaknya pintar dalam pelajaran dan lelucon.Sedangkan sahabat saya lainnya tingkahnya lebih aneh.

Senin, 02 Februari 2009